Friday, January 30, 2009

30 Things

Alright I am following the trend and doing this too! But I am doing 30!
Here are 30 things about me:

1. I could eat home-made vanilla ice cream all day, everyday.

2. I have a weird obsession with anything to do with the Titanic (James makes fun of me for being so fascinated with one of the world's saddest tragedies)

3. I usually get stuck on things and won't stop until I get it out of my system or I burn out on them. (Example: cartwheels, snapping, learning the Star Spangled Banner, fudge pops, corn dogs)

4. My ultimate dream is to be a stay at home mom living in the country.

5. I would like to go to cosmetology school once I get my degree and cut hair as a side business.

6. My daughter's name will be Leila Grace.

7. My mom is my best friend.

8. Walmart is a place I would call home.

9. Costa Rica and Italy are two places I am DYING to go to.

10. I can never own enough purses.

11. Making people laugh gives me a lot of pleasure.

12. Ironically Smile by Josh Groban makes me cry.

13. I feel great when I am organized but can't stay organized for more than 24 hours.

14. Silly string, baby wipes, and anything bloody or painful makes me want to vomit.

15. I used to sleep with one of James' t-shirts because it smelled like him.

16. I would watch the musical Wicked every night if I could.

17. I love the word believe.

18. I get completely tongue-tide when I meet a celebrity. And usually say something really lame.

19. One of the best sentences ever said to me, next to "Will you go out with me?" (said by of course, James), was "You don't have to take anymore math classes."

20. I am in love with food and just so happen to have the worst metabolism EVER! Thus, I am pleasantly plump!

21. Movies are a passion of mine. I have a wide variety!

22. Seeing people eat alone, especially old people, makes me sad. And if I see a man cry I start crying.

23. I feel like God is telling me a secret when I see a sunset or sunrise.

24. One night, I was so bored, I learned how to recite the alphabet backwards.

25. How spray butter has NO CALORIES and still tastes good (like real butter) is a complete mystery to me.

26. James calls me Linz.

27. I cannot whistle.

28. I make lists for everything.

29. I love art.

30. Sunflowers make me smile.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The World is a Crazy Place

Lately there have been a lot of crime issues in Valdosta. Last week there was a fight in my apartment parking lot. And about two weeks ago two guys broke into an apartment with a gun and knife (around noon). They sexually assaulted the girl and beat on the two guys that lived there. They burglarized the place, then stole one of the victims cars. They have yet to find the suspects. If I am not already jumpy with all of this stuff going on, James came in tonight and told me that a guy pulled up next to him (as James was walking back from campus) and asked if James had a lighter. James of course didn't and the guy apparently cursed him out and called him some name then drove away slowly. It shook James up a little bit. Actually he has been more nervous about this stuff than I have. All day today he has been a mess. He is now sleeping with a hammer next to his bed (instructed me to do the same) and put a chair up against his back door. I don't know what to do for him. Usually I am the one that is a wreck about this stuff. I remember lying in bed and not getting to sleep some nights until 4 in the morning because I was worrying about break ins. It is a fear I have had all my life and I still do that some nights. And right now I am concerned but James cannot get it together. I think he is just really worried about my safety. He wants to go buy me pepper spray tomorrow. I just hope that everything would cool down around here. It's scary...I just feel helpless.
James even brought up getting a dog. And as much as I would LOVE to get a little pit bull puppy, James and I are just not ready. I said, (knowing we aren't getting a dog right now period) we could get a pit bull!" And James said that his parents would not allow him to get a pit bull as long as they were paying for his bills, which just sent me through the roof! I didn't let James know how mad I was, but I did say well that's just ignorant and James said that is exactly what it is. So at least he agreed! (He knew better!) I just wish people saw how amazing they actually are. It just breaks my heart to hear people talk about this issue and they know nothing about it. I even wrote a paper for my English class last year about the discrimination against pit bulls. It gave my teacher a laugh, but I got an A! This sign is so true:

The love of a dog is one of the best feelings ever. I love the quote from Marley and Me (if you haven't seen it go see it now but bring tissues!)

"A dog doesn't care if you're rich or poor, educated or illiterate, clever or dull. Give him your heart and he will give you his."


An Unexpected Surprise

The other morning, as I woke up, my first thought of the day was that I didn't want to get out of bed. After hitting the snooze button a couple of times I finally got up and headed for the bathroom to get ready for class. As I was on my way I noticed that someone was in the kitchen. My first thought was: Why is Kody still here? (She is student teaching and goes to school really early)I then realized that it was James. He was making breakfast! As I walked into the kitchen he greeted me, "Hello, I was wondering when you would wake up. Happy anniversary!" He was making eggs, hot ham, and toast. I was so shocked! I was so surprised and stunned that I missed the other surprise on the table. He had a bottle of sparkling red grape juice, roses, and a card sitting on the kitchen table. After James poured us each a glass of juice I went to give him a big hug and kiss for being so thoughtful and then it happened! As James turned to hug me back his arm flung over one of the glasses and grape juice flew everywhere. All over the floor, fabric covered chair, and table. And then the glass hit the floor and shattered. So we then spent the next 20 minutes mopping and sweeping. In the end breakfast was wonderful and it was so sweet of James to do. James doesn't do a lot of surprises so when he does do them it means a lot to me.

These are the beautiful roses:

And the sweet card. I love the front! It is the card that has sound when you open it and it was Lucy reciting the commercial. He left a sweet note in there too.

My New Apartment

This is my kitchen:

This is the livingroom/diningroom


My room:

My art corner/Diet Mountain Dew stash!!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A New Year

Well I believe that I need to post another entry since it has been so long! I really wish school would stop getting in the way with my college life!

So much has been going on. I am now at VSU and LOVING it. James and I went to the Rec Center yesterday and swam laps and I turned to him and said I cannot believe I am actually here! It is so exciting! The thing that really kicked my booty was the price to be an art teacher! There is so much that the school demands you to buy that I feel I am paying two tuition's! My art supplies have cost me about $180.00 and I still have probably a hundred more to spend. My books that I purchased online (all used) came out to be about $235.00. And then there is the Live Text program that I have to buy to get into the Art Education program! And with the costs of the Pre-GACE test and Regents I am looking at well over $200.00 for those! The list goes on and on but that has been a stress to me horribly.

I just moved into my new apartment and I love it so much! It is very old but it is amazing how much better I feel. The house I lived in before was just alittle too awkward for me. I didn't really have much in common with two of my roomies so I would literally come home, get some food, and run to my room before anyone had a chance to notice me. But now that Kody and I have moved out it has been wonderful! I will post pictures of my new place soon! We are still working on getting some things fixed. The first night I cooked the stove started shocking me! And getting the cable hooked up was a challenge. There are just a few little things that we have to get fixed but it is so worth it to be here!

My new year goals are to lose 36 pounds before Kody's wedding in July. And to read more and watch t.v. less. I was doing really well on the reading more until the cable was turned on! And I have lost 5 pounds! I'm not doing too bad!

Today James and I have been dating for six years! Holy cow! There is no one I'd rather be with! We are going out to eat tomorrow to celebrate at Masatos. YUM!

Well I have a lot more to write and plan to write again sooner rather than 3 months from now, but I really need to get to bed. Wednesdays are my full days.

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