Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A New Year

Well I believe that I need to post another entry since it has been so long! I really wish school would stop getting in the way with my college life!

So much has been going on. I am now at VSU and LOVING it. James and I went to the Rec Center yesterday and swam laps and I turned to him and said I cannot believe I am actually here! It is so exciting! The thing that really kicked my booty was the price to be an art teacher! There is so much that the school demands you to buy that I feel I am paying two tuition's! My art supplies have cost me about $180.00 and I still have probably a hundred more to spend. My books that I purchased online (all used) came out to be about $235.00. And then there is the Live Text program that I have to buy to get into the Art Education program! And with the costs of the Pre-GACE test and Regents I am looking at well over $200.00 for those! The list goes on and on but that has been a stress to me horribly.

I just moved into my new apartment and I love it so much! It is very old but it is amazing how much better I feel. The house I lived in before was just alittle too awkward for me. I didn't really have much in common with two of my roomies so I would literally come home, get some food, and run to my room before anyone had a chance to notice me. But now that Kody and I have moved out it has been wonderful! I will post pictures of my new place soon! We are still working on getting some things fixed. The first night I cooked the stove started shocking me! And getting the cable hooked up was a challenge. There are just a few little things that we have to get fixed but it is so worth it to be here!

My new year goals are to lose 36 pounds before Kody's wedding in July. And to read more and watch t.v. less. I was doing really well on the reading more until the cable was turned on! And I have lost 5 pounds! I'm not doing too bad!

Today James and I have been dating for six years! Holy cow! There is no one I'd rather be with! We are going out to eat tomorrow to celebrate at Masatos. YUM!

Well I have a lot more to write and plan to write again sooner rather than 3 months from now, but I really need to get to bed. Wednesdays are my full days.


Leasa said...

Yeah! You wrote something! I love you!

Leasa said...

BTW, don't be stressed about the art "stuff". Everything will be fine. Remember, one thing at a time :-)


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