Monday, March 30, 2009

Right now, what is going through my mind is that I have 100 million things to do for my classes, my room looks like a tornado went through it, I really need more people to come to Kody's shower (only 2 have confirmed they are coming), and I do not need James' parents requesting that James and I to drive 2 hours to Albany and pick up their dog on Friday and keep it until Sunday when they come into town. But what am I going to do instead.................................?


Sunday, March 29, 2009

Mother-Daughter Weight Loss Competition Update!

Weigh in was this Saturday and the results are......Mom lost 1 and a half pounds and I lost 3! Tune in next week to see who is the Biggest Loser!

I worked really hard this week. I had a couple of times that made me the Dairy Queen trip after our last girls basketball game( Hot fudge sundae! YUM!) And my wonderful grandma sent me an Easter package filled with lots of yummy goodies! I'm eating some carmel popcorn right now! But I still lost weight! On Friday, James and I went to the gym and I burned 567 calories and did over 5 miles of cardio-whatever. And I ran (non-stop) for over a mile! I have never done that! I am so excited! I am PRAYING and working hard to be 145 pounds by May 23rd. Here are two new dinners I tried this week and absolutely loved!

This chicken and penne is SO good! James tried it and said it tasted like something from Olive Garden and he is so right!

This one is really yummy too! I am so excited I have new food to eat!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Kody's Shower

My roommate Kody is getting married July 18Th. And I am very honored to be a bridesmaid for her. We have been talking a lot about the wedding plans and have been collecting ideas from bridal magazines. It has been so much fun! And James and I were just asked to sing and play guitar for her wedding. (Here come the butterflies in the stomach)I'll be fine! But here is my bridesmaid gown:

She has changed her colors a couple of times but for right now all I know is that our dresses are latte brown. Kody said they look really good in person!
Anyway, I wanted her to have a bridal shower with her friends in Valdosta and for her to have a "younger" crowd since I know she will have lots with her family. So I am throwing her a shower on April 18Th. I am really nervous because it is ALL on me! I was kind of hoping James would be there to help before the shower(for decorating and food preparation, etc.) but he will actually be helping film a wedding that day. But this is fine because he will be making money for the Lindsay Wages Engagement Ring Fund! (Donations are always accepted!) HAHA!But I am looking for ideas if you have any!
The shower theme is lingerie I guess. We are doing Spring colors with lots of yellows and pinks! I am making a strawberry champagne punch that looks awesome in my cookbook. I am making strawberry cupcakes. And for "entertainment" I will have a slide show playing that I have made for Jeremy and Kody and we will play "How well do you know the groom?" I will record his answers on my camera and will play them on the t.v. after she answers. If she gets it wrong she will do the whole gum chewing thing. I am also getting her a little scrapbook (kind of borrowing Mallory's shower idea) and people can write a note to Kody and decorate it.Kody also requested that everyone bring a recipe that they like to place in the book since she likes to cook so much! That is about it. If you have any suggestions please make them! Mom and I are going to do a little "trial run" of the food when she comes to visit. April will surely be the busiest and most stressful month yet since it is really my last month of school. April isn't even here yet and I am already counting down the days until it is over!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

It's A Bet

So the bet is on. Mom and I have come to the agreement that whoever loses the most weight by the time she comes down for Spring Break to Valdosta that that person will be served breakfast in bed by the loser. And I was going to be nice about it and be encouraging, but after the numerous emails I received today from my mother about what she wants for breakfast and giving me her weight loss update all I can say is....IT IS ON!!! Momma you are going down!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Spring Break

Well my Spring Break is winding down. I can't believe it is over. It flew by so fast! James and I went to Lawrenceville last Friday. I didn't really do too much. I had to get ten hours of observation time at a school so I went to work with mom for a couple of days! That was nice that I could spend a little time with her during the day. I hung out with a couple of friends (James was there as well). I slept in! I ate horribly well! And I saw my grandmother a good amount. It was a good trip. I hated to leave! The weather was kind of cold and rainy, but I didn't mind. My mom and I giggled the whole week. I think my favorite part was the first night I was home. Mom and I went to O'Charley's for dinner and boy was it good! We had the Potato Skins appetizer that was delicious. I had the soup and salad (Loaded Baked Potato soup!) And mom had a salad. So yumnmy! But James and I had to come back to Valdosta early because he had a band thing he had already committed to. He is now in Florida, playing in a band for a youth re-treat and is hopefully bring back $100-250 that will go straight to the bank that will go straight to my engagement ring fund! When he told me about having to come back on Friday I said just don't go on the retreat but when he said he was getting paid I said get your butt in the car! I am a woman on a mission! So we left Lawrenceville yesterday morning at 7 AM and got into Valdosta in time to unload the car, eat lunch, and take a 20 minute nap! We also got to see the horrible mess that James' roommate's girlfriend made in their house. I guess while Joe (James' roommate) was out of town, Penny (his girlfriend) made herself at home because when James and I walked through the door the house was a wreck! I mean there were dirty (nasty) clothes all the way from the "dining room", through the kitchen,and into the laundry room where she had apparently been doing laundry. It was disgusting. And she had food sitting on the counter that was growing mold on it and I am not talking about the beginning stages of rotting food and mold, I am talking you couldn't tell what food it was before it grew the mold! But wait! That's not even the bad part. I walked into the bathroom and what did I find? There was poop smeared all over the toilet. (NO JOKE!) That was it for me. Enough on that subject!

Anyway, I dropped James off and he went on his way to Florida and I made my way to the mall! It was ME time! Everyone just needs a little ME time once in a while. I spent my Belk's gift card on two pairs of earrings and bought a new body spray at Bath and Body Works (also with a gift card). Then grabbed a pizza from Little Ceasars and headed to the apartment. It's actually a funny story about the body spray. James and I were in Bath and Body Works a couple of weeks ago and like every man he was totally bored and begun to "act up". He then began to explore the store and went up to the new oil/candle display. He poked his finger into the oil and didn't know what to do with it so he dabbed his finger on each side of his neck and walked off. It wasn't until later that I found this out when I was cuddling with him and nuzzled my way next to his neck and suddenly smelled something really good. It was James' oil fragrance! I questioned him on his appealing smell and he told me the story. So now I have that fragrance (Butterfly Flowers is what it is called). I just hope is smells as good on me as it was on him!

It was a good Spring Break. I needed a break from the stresses of school and crime. Plus I did major laundry! I wish the break was just starting!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A Basic Instinct

Sorry this is going to be kind of long. As I look back on the weekend I really have to think hard on what went on. It is all kind of fuzzy. I don't remember what I did on Friday. Saturday is a blur besides meeting my new roommate for next year. But Sunday night is something that I think will stick with me for a long time. James went home around mid-night. I ate an apple, watched a little t.v. ( The Mask was on so I watched my favorite part then turned it off and went to my room). I then messed around the computer. For some reason I just couldn't get myself to go to bed. Around 1:45 I said,"Lindsay, you need to go and try to sleep." So I got up and went to my nightstand and set my cell phone alarm for Monday morning's class. I then went to the living room to turn off the lights and for some reason I thought you need to look out your sliding door and make sure everything is okay outside in the courtyard. And when I peaked through the blinds I saw a man looking into my bedroom window. (My window is on the same wall as the sliding door but the sliding door is in the living room) So I immediately jumped back and ran to grab my phone. I know I should have dialed 911 first but I called James instead. He lives thirty seconds away so he got here fast. But what was shocking to me was that he answered on the first ring. He told me later that he couldn't sleep for some reason. (He never stays up that late) Anyways, the man must have heard the blinds move because he was gone pretty quick. I just hid in the hallway until James got to my apartment. As I explained what had happened to James, we saw a cop walking outside in the courtyard. I told him what had happened and he told me that they had gotten a call from someone else with a similar story. Just as a side note, the cop reminded me ALOT of Aaron. James brought that up later so we had both gotten that same feeling....weird huh? And a cop too! Anyways all I could remember was seeing the man's red shirt. So I filled out a police report and the cop left. I could barley keep my hand from shaking to write clearly. I felt helpless. It is now about 2:30 AM and all I could do was bounce from my kitchen window to my sliding door window looking out. I wasn't looking for anything because the guy was surely not coming back after the cops had come. But I just couldn't help but go back and forth and looking. About 15 minutes had past and as I looked out my kitchen window for the hundredth time I saw a guy in all black walking very quickly across the apartment parking lot and looking over his shoulder. I told James but he assured me that it was probably nothing. But I wasn't so sure. I bounced back between windows a few more times and then saw the guy in all black at the apartments behind mine(I was watching him through the sliding door now). He went behind them so I called James over to watch with me for reassurance. About a minute later he came back around but a car had pulled into the lot and he took off running back around the apartments again. I yelled to James to call the police. I didn't care what I knew or what I didn't...he was acting weird. So while James got 911 on the phone, we waited to see what he was going to do next. He ended up climbing the fence and was now back on my side of the apartments. And was looking around and hunched down. The police arrived and at this point I had lost where the guy went. I started running from window to window trying to find him and as I looked through the peak hole in our door I saw him walk by. I whispered to James to tell the police he was walking towards Slater Street. As I was looking for the guy I saw a cop and began to feel a little better about things and then I saw James jump back from the sliding door blinds and kind of yelp. As the blinds swung I caught quick glimpses of lights and heard yelling from outside. The police had seen the guy and chased him right passed my door. I ran to the kitchen window and saw the man in black running down the street with a cop right behind him. Then I heard a cop car squeal and take off down the road. It felt like forever to hear anything back from the police (things move a lot quicker on Cops) but finally another cop came and told us that they had the guy in custody. But that was all they gave us. I had to fill out another report and this time James got to fill one out too! I don't think I got to sleep until about 6AM. And then had to get up for class at 8:30. And on top of all of that, Monday is my longest day. But my luck didn't end my last class, that meets for 3 hours on Monday night, a girl said she wasn't feeling so well and about a minute later passed out right on the floor. So of course the VSU security came running and an ambulance came. My week has started with every kind of public safety besides the firemen (knock on wood). I just didn't have a good start to the beginning of my week. And I am still feeling the effects of it all. The extremely tiredness, the freakiness, the paranoia.
But what is crazy to me is that throughout the whole night, there were so many "good things" that happened. It was like God was not going to let anything bad happen. If I had gone to bed the guy might have broken in. James probably wouldn't have answered his phone if he were asleep that night. The guy came BACK and I my paranoia even though you wouldn't think you would see him again that night paid off. And why did I look out the window in the first place? I'm not sure why this happened. I hate that it did. I just wish I knew if that was the same guy and maybe he just put a jacket over the red shirt. I wish I felt better when it gets dark out. It's scary. All I can say is thank you God. That's all I have said since the cops left my apartment at 4 AM. Thank you God!

Friday, March 6, 2009

I Am Going To Do It!

Lately I have been in a funk about not losing the weight that I want. I couldn't figure out what the problem was. Then I put myself on the spot and really asked myself, "Are you really trying or do you think you're just doing a good job of not eating horribly?" I found myself guilty of not trying at all so yesterday I re-dedicated myself to my diet. And after I did, I felt so much better. Today is day one of my new plan. James and I did our Tae Bo workout for an hour last night and I really put all of my effort into it. I usually wouldn't bend my knees or kick and punch with force, but last night I really pushed much that James even noticed. And last week when James and I was working out at the gym, I ran a mile without stopping. To some people that might be nothing out of the ordinary, but for me...I have never been able to do that! James was pushing me and said I bet you can run the whole time and I told him well you can think that, but it will never happen. But it did! HI just kept going telling myself you can do it for 30 more seconds and then added another 30 seconds and so on and so on. Never say never because anything is possible! I would have never thought I could do that but I did! My goal is to be 30 pounds lighter by July 18Th (Kody's wedding). I know I can do it. I'm going to hate it, but I WILL do it!

Monday, March 2, 2009


Have you ever done something really stupid and wish that you were the only one that knew about it? I have done plenty of things that make me question my intelligence because of a ridiculous mistake. Like the time that I spent a good couple of minutes looking for my curling iron and even went to the outlet and followed the cord just to find out that the curling iron was actually in my hand holding a section of hair. In my defense I was running late and was trying to curl my hair and brush my teeth at the same time and must have forgotten that I was multi-tasking. And when you are in a hurry your brain doesn't always work properly.

Anyways, last night around 8:00 I went to get my cell phone to set my alarm for the following morning so that I didn't forget. And after looking in my purse and in the kitchen and in my room and on the table and in the living room and in the couch and in my car and after having Kody and Jeremy call it and help me look for it, I realized the phone was not in my apartment. So I began to trace my steps and remembered that I had it after basketball practice so I knew it had to be at the Wesley house or James' house. So I got in my car and went the James' house first. No phone. Then I went the the Wesley house. And borrowed a phone from a girl that was there and still found no phone. Then panic mode set in. I went home and was yelling at myself for being so stupid in losing my phone. I thought I'm going to check my purse one more time and as I looked in there it was, sitting at the bottom. I checked that purse 3 times before I had found it. How I had missed it, I don't know. So then I had to tell Jeremy and Kody about my embarrassing mistake and I'll have to tell the girl from the Wesley about it. And of course all of this happened and James had no clue....he was napping in my bed! I went all over half of Valdosta and he got two hours of rest! It's funny now. I just feel like a fool. Oh well.

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