Monday, March 2, 2009


Have you ever done something really stupid and wish that you were the only one that knew about it? I have done plenty of things that make me question my intelligence because of a ridiculous mistake. Like the time that I spent a good couple of minutes looking for my curling iron and even went to the outlet and followed the cord just to find out that the curling iron was actually in my hand holding a section of hair. In my defense I was running late and was trying to curl my hair and brush my teeth at the same time and must have forgotten that I was multi-tasking. And when you are in a hurry your brain doesn't always work properly.

Anyways, last night around 8:00 I went to get my cell phone to set my alarm for the following morning so that I didn't forget. And after looking in my purse and in the kitchen and in my room and on the table and in the living room and in the couch and in my car and after having Kody and Jeremy call it and help me look for it, I realized the phone was not in my apartment. So I began to trace my steps and remembered that I had it after basketball practice so I knew it had to be at the Wesley house or James' house. So I got in my car and went the James' house first. No phone. Then I went the the Wesley house. And borrowed a phone from a girl that was there and still found no phone. Then panic mode set in. I went home and was yelling at myself for being so stupid in losing my phone. I thought I'm going to check my purse one more time and as I looked in there it was, sitting at the bottom. I checked that purse 3 times before I had found it. How I had missed it, I don't know. So then I had to tell Jeremy and Kody about my embarrassing mistake and I'll have to tell the girl from the Wesley about it. And of course all of this happened and James had no clue....he was napping in my bed! I went all over half of Valdosta and he got two hours of rest! It's funny now. I just feel like a fool. Oh well.


Tresa said...

Oh sweetie, these things will happen to you over and over again. Last week I was frantically searching for an important piece of paper. Joel asked me if I had looked in my purse to which I (sort of) snapped, "OF COURSE I DID!" Guess where I finally found it? Love ya!

Leasa said...

Oh, Lindsay. You are your mother's daughter.

sweetlittlelife said...

I'm sorry that you had to run in circles. I always panic when i look for stuff. It must be in our genes. Have a good day!


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