Tuesday, January 27, 2009

An Unexpected Surprise

The other morning, as I woke up, my first thought of the day was that I didn't want to get out of bed. After hitting the snooze button a couple of times I finally got up and headed for the bathroom to get ready for class. As I was on my way I noticed that someone was in the kitchen. My first thought was: Why is Kody still here? (She is student teaching and goes to school really early)I then realized that it was James. He was making breakfast! As I walked into the kitchen he greeted me, "Hello, I was wondering when you would wake up. Happy anniversary!" He was making eggs, hot ham, and toast. I was so shocked! I was so surprised and stunned that I missed the other surprise on the table. He had a bottle of sparkling red grape juice, roses, and a card sitting on the kitchen table. After James poured us each a glass of juice I went to give him a big hug and kiss for being so thoughtful and then it happened! As James turned to hug me back his arm flung over one of the glasses and grape juice flew everywhere. All over the floor, fabric covered chair, and table. And then the glass hit the floor and shattered. So we then spent the next 20 minutes mopping and sweeping. In the end breakfast was wonderful and it was so sweet of James to do. James doesn't do a lot of surprises so when he does do them it means a lot to me.

These are the beautiful roses:

And the sweet card. I love the front! It is the card that has sound when you open it and it was Lucy reciting the commercial. He left a sweet note in there too.


sweetlittlelife said...

How nice! I'm sorry about the grape juice part, but it sounds like an amazing surprise and a wonderful morning! The roses are so pretty.

I really am excited that you are blogging!

Tresa said...

Oh Lindsay, how sweet! I'm happy for you and James.


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