Saturday, April 25, 2009


On my agenda for the weekend I HAVE to get done the following 1)my art history paper (due this Monday-haven't started) 2)my teaching strategies PowerPoint (due this Monday-haven't started) 3)my 2D project (it is due this Thursday and although I have already started it, it has a long way to go! and 4) I have to draw one of my shoes and a piece of my underwear (???) for my Drawing one class (due this Monday).

Here are my problems....
1. It is a BEAUTIFUL day today and I quote from a great movie, Ferris Bueller:
"How can I possibly be expected to handle school on a day like this?"

So instead of doing homework I went and laid by the pool and read a book. It was wonderful!
2. My other problem is that my Drawing one teacher requested an assignment that I feel is a little inappropriate and he requested to present our assignment on special paper that I have looked for at Hobby Lobby and Michael's and cannot find! And in Valdosta if it ain't at those two places you can just give up because there is no where else to look.
3. And I guess my third problem is that I just plain out don't want to do anything. But of course this time tomorrow I will be so mad at myself for not doing anything today so I am going to go try to talk myself into doing something productive...
I just keep telling myself, one more week of school, one more week of school.

1 comment:

Leasa said...

Lindsay Carolyn Gay Wages, do your homework.
From, Your MOTHER


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