Wednesday, February 11, 2009


This week has been a roller coaster of emotions for me! Every good thing that has happened, has had a bad thing follow it. I got a great grade on a paper I did in one class followed by a not so good grade in another. I was purposely not put into the co-rec basketball game (I played for a grand total of 6 minutes) on Tuesday night yet I played the best I ever have this season while I was in. The girl that coaches the team for some reason does not like me. I had a harsh critique done on a project of mine and then found a note on my car that said "Have a good day" by a girl I knew. My eye has been hurting lately and I now know that it is because I have a sty but I found out I get to go home this weekend. After I found out that I get to go home this weekend, I found out that I have a lot of homework I get to bring with me! I also have been struggling with some of the people at the Wesley and how unfriendly they are and have been contemplating not going there anymore. Then I got a call today from Sara Beth. She is a friend that I met at Wesley that moved this past year. As I received our cable bill and was disgusted by how costly it is, I got two great surprises as well. Thank you so much Tresa! I loved the sign and the Steel Magnolias wordle made me smile! So creative! My roommate saw it and said I have never seen that movie before so I made her watch it that day! She of course loved it. And thank you momma for the angel. That was so sweet and thoughtful. I really don't have much room to complain as these "rough spots" are not so severe as some things people have to go through. It has just been a lllloooonnnngggg week and I can't wait until Friday!!! Thank you for letting me vent!


sweetlittlelife said...

You are almost there! I'm sorry it's been rough. One more day!

Leasa said...

You need your momma. See you tomorrow evening.I can't wait!!
Love ya!

Tresa said...

It doesn't matter that other people might have "worse rough spots" than's all relative. You're having an up and down week and it's okay and good for you to talk about it. I'm sorry for the downs...happy for the ups! Your mom is need your mommy!

Beautiful~Mallory said...

Sorry you had a bad week....And sorry you had a bunch of downs, but glad you had those ups to counter the bads!!!


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