Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Which Side Are You?

I was always told that you were either 1) a math/science person or 2) an arty/English/history person. And of course I am #2! I love those subjects! And I do well at them. I wanted to know more though and this is my research results:

The left side of the brain controls the right side of the body. The right side controls the left. The population seems to be equally split left and right. A brain can be half left/half right, predominantly left or predominantly right.

Learning Styles
Left brains learn by hearing. They find the lecture system just fine. Right brains need to see something done--show me, to feel, and to actually experience the process--then, they remember. Lecture style is a challenge for a right brain.

Left brains can go to a party, meet 12 new people, and remember their names the next day. The right brained person will not remember the names but will remember what they were wearing, the couch they were sitting on, the room they were in, how their hair was done, and possibly what they were talking about. Everything but the name.

How They Approach A Project
Left brains naturally arrange the various steps in order and begin with the first one. Right brains prefer the ricochet method. They select steps without any obvious order--doing what comes to mind at the moment. Both get the job done but in different ways.

Lefts usually have a tidy personal space and know where things are. Rights have a "piling" system that they use quite often. They sometimes say, "Don't touch my piles. I know where everything is." Other rooms in a right brain's world may be neat and tidy, but the personal space rarely is.

Lefts plan days in advance and are prepared for weekends, parties, and going to the movies. Rights decide things on the spur of the moment.

Lefts memorize well. They can remember dates and facts easily. On tests they do quite well. Rights remember images and patterns. They can see the picture of that soldier next to the cannon, remember details in his uniform, know what season of the year it is, and they know the date is below--but what is that date? Lefts usually do better on tests even if both left and right brains have the same I.Q.

Lefts will be on time and even early for everything. They are the ones in the theatre before anyone else gets there. Rights, on the other hand, are usually only on time for the most important things. Rights are likely to be on time for church if in the choir. If not in the choir, it is probably optional to be on time.

Left Brain
uses logic/detail oriented
facts rule
words and language
present and past
math and science
can comprehend
order/pattern perception
knows object name
reality based
forms strategies

Right Brain
uses feeling
"big picture" oriented
imagination rules
symbols and images
present and future
philosophy & religion
can "get it" (i.e. meaning)/believes
knows object function
fantasy based
presents possibilities
impetuous/risk taking

I thought this information was pretty neat! And I am going to start adding a fun fact to each of my posts just for fun!

Today's fun fact: Eagles mate in mid air. (Who knew?!)


sweetlittlelife said...

This is very interesting. I like your fact of the day! Neat!

Tresa said...

I am definitely at right side person. Very interesting post. Thank you! And I love the fun facts--good idea!


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