Sunday, February 22, 2009

My Weekend of Accomplishments

This weekend has been full of so many things!
I was able to clean my room....something that REALLY needed to get done. I made the chicken that Tresa put on her blog. (It was soooo good and I made so much we have been eating off it since Friday and still have left-overs...thank you for the recipe!) I semi- cleaned out my car and semi did laundry. I'm still working on that. I painted 4 pots to put my plants into. They look really good! I finished a big project for my class which takes a big load of stress off me. And I met Woody Harrelson! James and I were at the gym on campus and after our work out we were going to go swim laps. As we were walking past the basketball court I looked over and saw one white guy in the mist of a huge group of black guys playing a game. I then slapped James' arm and yelled, "That's Woody!" So instead of swimming laps we sat and watched Woody play (he is actually kind of short and not very good at basketball). We just so happen to be sitting next to his water bottle so he came right up to us. James told him he didn't want to bother him but wanted Woody to know how much he liked his last movie. Woody was so nice and said thank you and shook James' hand, then mine and of course I sat there smiling and just mumbled. James laughed pretty hard at me for being so star-struck. Woody is actually filming a movie down here in Valdosta so that is why he was there. I am just so mad I didn't have my camera!


sweetlittlelife said...

Awww...I'm sorry you didn't have your camera, but how neat! That's an incentive for working out, huh!

Good for you for accomplishing so much. It feels good to get stuff done! Have a great week!

Did you ever get anything in the mail from me?

My Life Song Sings For You said...

Yes I did! I got it Friday. I was going to call you...our mail is really slow down here. Thank you so much! That was a nice suprise! I bought my planting pots with the gift card! My plants thank you as well! You are too sweet! I would play your blog games for no prizes! Love you!

Tresa said...

Hi Linz! I was happy to find your new blog entry. I have missed you! Your story about Woody is neat. It sounds like you might run into him again so keep your camera with you at all times.

I love you!


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